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2025 Human Biology Association Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD

  • 12 Mar 2025
  • 8:00 AM
  • 15 Mar 2025
  • 1:00 PM
  • Baltimore, MD USA


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Guest tickets for the Gala Dinner
  • Conference registration for international students outside of the US and Canada.
    Student registrations are eligible for discounts through the 2020 Diversity Initiative and all international student members of the HBA are eligible for free registration (please contact HBAtreas@gmail.com) for online only registration of international students. Please enter the code GlobalAccess25 for the registration discount.
  • Meeting registration price for the in person Human Biology Association annual meeting
  • This section is for registrants participating in the Plenary or any special sessions.
  • Conference registration for virtual only participation. Virtual participants may present poster or oral presentations and will have access to all streaming sessions. Streaming sessions will be the Plenary (Wednesday afternoon), the Pearl Lecture (Wednesday evening), oral presentation sessions Thursday morning and afternoon. The joint HBA/AABA session Friday morning is not included in the online registration.
    Student online registrations are eligible for discounts through the 2020 Diversity Initiative and all international student members of the HBA are eligible for free registration (please contact HBAtreas@gmail.com) for online only registration of international students.
  • Conference registration for virtual only participation. Virtual participants may present poster or oral presentations and will have access to all streaming sessions. Streaming sessions will be the Plenary (Wednesday afternoon), the Pearl Lecture (Wednesday evening), oral presentation sessions Thursday morning and afternoon. The joint HBA/AABA session Friday morning is not included in the online registration.
    Student online registrations are eligible for discounts through the 2020 Diversity Initiative and all international student members of the HBA are eligible for free registration (please contact HBAtreas@gmail.com) for online only registration of international students.
  • Volunteer registration

Baltimore, MD with virtual options

March 12-15, 2025

Welcome to the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Biology Association will be held in person (and virtually) in Baltimore, MD March 12-15, 2025.

HBA 2025 welcomes researchers, educators, and other scientists from around the world to our annual meeting. Topics covered in our meetings include (but are not limited to) the following: growth and development; nutrition; genetics; immunology and infectious diseases; mental health; chronic disease; social determinants of health; reproductive health; skeletal biology and paleopathology; stress; adaptation and evolution; methods, teaching, and ethics. Each year we also feature a Plenary Session and Pearl Memorial Lecturer, centerpieces of our meeting.

The American Journal of Human Biology, the official journal of the HBA, publishes abstracts and the program of each HBA annual meeting.

Meeting Venue

Information and reservation links for the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront (700 Aliceanna St, Baltimore, MD 21202) is available on the main meeting page.

Complete the on-line pre-registration process here. If you have an account from 2023 or 2024, your login information remains the same
. If you did not participate in the 2023 or 2024 meetings or have an active membership in 2023 or 2024, you will need to complete a new registration. It can take up to 24 hours for new member registrations to be approved for conference member registration rates so please plan accordingly.

AFTER REGISTRATION: You will be emailed a registration receipt with QR code and a link to ConfTool.

 Pre-registration will be available until Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

Meeting Registration Costs

Reminder: Members in good standing and non-members from low- and middle-income countries are eligible for lower registration fees, relative to non-members from high income countries. Only members are eligible for prizes, awards and travel grants. 

In person attendance
Annual Meeting registration for members is $140, except for the discounted in-person fees for post-doctoral and international Fellows ($95), for students from US/Canada ($60), for low-and-middle income country Fellows ($60) and low-and-middle income country students ($10). Registration for the in-person meeting includes access to all virtual sessions. After March 5, 2025, on site registration will be $160.

Virtual participation
Virtual-only participation is discounted by 50% except for international student members from outside of North America whose virtual participation fees are paid through the Diversity Initiative. 

Registration agreement: In registering for a conference, establishing or renewing my membership, I acknowledge and will abide by the HBA Code of Ethics, including related to sexual and other forms of harassment (such as bullying, intimidation, coercion, and threats), as well as other forms of discrimination. I understand that if I do not meet these standards, incidents may be reported to appropriate authorities such as employers, I may be barred from future meetings, and/or membership or association awards revoked.

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